Saturday, July 2, 2011

And to you I say...

And here is my response to anyone who attempts to use the following as a sad justification for why they are to lazy to stand up for basic human rights and equality....

1. Yes there is a culture that is distinct to members of the LGBTQA community but there is also a culture related to individuals who are Asian, those of us who are from large families, people who have dogs, and obsessive fans of star wars. The queer culture is not some separate entity that all and only gays belong to and with the same respect, LGBTQA individuals do not solely belong to that culture (because yes, queer people can be asian, from a large family, have dogs and may even be fans of star wars). If you don't know much about it, then why don't you ask? Or better yet, why don't you experience it by coming to something like Twin Cities Pride or The Gay 90's?

2. Assuming that because someone is queer that they have multiple partners and view having multiple partners at the same time as the norm is one of the worst and incorrect stereotypes you can have. Just because you are attracted to someone of the same sex does not mean you are attracted to ALL members of the same sex, let alone date multiple people. Queers are not a bunch of whores who sleep with everyone they meet. While we may be more open and embracing of our sexuality, I would be willing to be the same number of hook-ups happen at straight clubs.

3. If you're worried about the effect gay marriage would have on the traditional family unit, then you'd better take a look around because the nuclear family is no longer the norm. We have extended families raising kids, grandparents raising kids, divorced parents working together or not, single parents...all raising children to be positive members of our society. And if you're worried about the "need for children to have a maternal and paternal influence" then we should outlaw single parents too because by your logic they must be unfit to raise a child.

4.If you wondering how commitment working in the LGBT culture, then just take a look at some straight couples and that's how it works. Just because you have two females or two males doesn't meant that there is any less commitment to the other person. Queer relationships are about love, just like straight ones. And don't you think allowing same-sex couples to marry would encourage that commitment even more?

5. And lastly, the difference between civil unions and marriage is much larger than words on paper. Marriages receive over 1,000 more benefits and protections than civil unions. That's over 1,000 ways to treat a same-sex couple as inferior to an opposite-sex couple. That's over 1,000 ways to discriminate. That's over 1,000 ways to tell a group of people that they are not valued. That's over 1,000 ways to spread hate instead of love.

So if you've got any other reasons why we should make people feel like second class citizens or if you wondering the benefits of legalizing gay marriage, bring it on.

Much love :)

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