Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Random picture of the beautiful Kate Moennig...enough said
Monday, July 25, 2011
First Marriage in NY
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
There's something about soccer players: Take #2
Monday, July 18, 2011
Foam Party at the Gay90's...aka attack of the glittery Mr. Bubbles
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Quote of the Weekend
— | Fascinated Lesbian at the Gay90’s Foam Party |
Friday, July 15, 2011
Gays are now a part of history at least according to California!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A beautiful sign with a bit of humor
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Is Homosexuality a Choice? An informational video
Saturday, July 2, 2011
And to you I say...
Friday, July 1, 2011
And these are the types of people who will kill the vote in 2012
I went out to coffee this morning with a friend from college. For those of you who haven’t read my “about me” post, I went to a small very liberal arts college in the midwest, so unless you were a member of the college republicans (which for your information had less members than the anthropology club), it was usually safe to say that you landed on the liberal end of the spectrum. And this particular friend was heavily involved with the theater and english departments, which were considered even more liberal than the rest of the campus, second only to education and philosophy.
So we’re having a nice cup of tea at a small little tea bar on Grand Ave and of course, in the midst of the life updates, politics are brought up. And this friend decides to inform me that, while he’s not against queer people, he’s not sure about the marriage amendment that Minnesota has on the ballot for 2012 (I’ll post a link for anyone who’s been unfortunately living under a rock and wasn’t aware that our wonderful state legislature is trying to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman).
I ask him why because I’m frankly flabbergasted that a) anyone could be indecisive on human rights and b) that he of all people wouldn’t be sure if he wanted gay marriage to be legal. He proceeded to make the following statements:
- He doesn’t know much about gay culture (to which I corrected him about LGBT or queer culture....though I will save my rebuttals for the next post...I would like to be a bit more articulate).
- He thinks that its more acceptable to have multiple partners in gay culture.
- He’s not sure what breaking away from the traditional family unit (i.e. a nuclear family) would mean.
- He’s not sure how commitment works in gay culture.
- He figures there are already civil unions (which f.y.i. not everyone has).
- He’s not sure that gay parents could give a child the maternal and paternal influence children “need”
And he tops it all off by covering it with the fact that he’s just undecided on what actual benefits legalizing gay marriage would have for society.
I need sometime to put my head on straight after being completely flabergasted and dumb founded that someone of apparent intellect could be so ignorant and frankly completely idiotically stupid. A much more eloquent rebuttal to follow but just thought I’d throw it out there as some food for thought about what we’re up against for 2012.
Much Love to all, even the ignorant.